Macho Direct

Question : There are already many heat-pipe direct touch (HDT) coolers in the market. What’s the difference between Thermalright HDT and its competition?
Answer : Other HDT makers use CNC to make a very flat base for the ease of manufacturing while the surface of the CPU IHS is never true flat (a bit of concave most of the times.) And thus one can imagine the contact between the heat-sink base and IHS is not ideal. The way Thermalright makes HDT is to make each heatpipe convex (by less than 0.15mm) in the area that contacts CPU IHS. So, the heat transfer rate in that area is increased due to true direct contact. Our internal tests on real computer systems with Intel processors show Macho Direct with better performance than its competition by 4°C~6°C in average.
Question : There are sayings HDT coolers can only be used with budgetary CPU’s with very low power consumption because the heat-pipes are flattened so the capacity to transfer heat is very limited.
Answer : When tested on a simulated test bed that reads power input, Thermalright Macho Direct is verified to be able to handle heat up to 200watt, which is more than required by the top Intel 2011-3 processor Ivy Bridge 5960X CPU (TDP 140watt). When tested on a real 2011-3motherboard, overclocked to 4 GHz,the temperature is well maintained in the mid 70°C. When tested on the top Skylake processor 6700K, over-clocked to 4GHz, the temperature is maintained in the vicinity of 70°C. These tests were made use with a quiet Thermalright TY-147A fan, with maximum noise of 21dBA。
Question : I once switched to use my Thermalright HR-02 Macho from an ATX system to a micro-ATX system and found the stock fan is touching the first memory. Do I expect the same problem with Macho Direct?
Answer : Macho Direct’s fin stack is moved backward by 3.3mm compared to HR-02 Macho. So, the problem of tight space between heat-sink and first memory on a few micro-ATX motherbords does not exist anymore.
Question : I already noted Macho Direct heat-sink is moved towards rear system fan compared with HR-02 Macho. Is there enough space for me to install second fan at the rear? If yes, where can I buy another set of fan clips and rubber pads?
Answer : Although Macho Direct heat-sink is now getting closer to the rear of the system, there is still plenty of room for a second fan. And Macho Direct already comes with two sets of fan clips and rubber pads. For those who are interested in a dual-fan setup, we strongly recommend Thermalright TY-147A fan for the best performance.
Question : I used to use a Thermalright fan duct with my Macho Zero heat-sink. Can I use that fan duct on Macho Direct, too? And do without the stock TY-140 black fan (semi-passive cooling)?
Answer : Yes. Both Thermalright 120mm fan duct and 140mm fan duct can be used with Macho Direct for semi-passive cooling. In fact, even without a fan duct, when with good air flow management, a 6700 K CPU (91watt TDP) can be maintained at less than 80°C. For mainstream 65 watt processors, CPU temp can be maintained below 70°C.
答:其他HDT製造商使用CNC以便於製造一個非常平坦的基地,同時CPU IHS的表面是不正確的扁平(大部分有點凹的)。因此可以想見之間的接觸散熱器底座和IHS不理想。Thermalright使HDT的方法是在該區域接觸的CPU IHS使每個熱管凸(小於0.15毫米)。這樣,在該區域因正直接接觸熱傳遞率增加。內部測試顯示在採用英特爾處理器電腦系統中Macho Direct平均由4°C〜6°C比競爭對手有更好的性能。
常見問題 2
回答:當在模擬試驗台讀取功率輸入測試,Thermalright Macho Direct被證實能夠處理熱量最多200瓦特,比頂級英特爾處理器2011-3的Ivy Bridge CPU5960X(TDP 140瓦特)要求的多。當2011-3主板進行測試,超頻至4 GHz,將溫度保持良好中期70℃ 當頂級SKYLAKE微架構處理器6700K測試,超頻至4GHz,溫度保持在70℃附近。這些測試是利用Thermalright安靜的風扇TY-147A,最大噪聲21分貝。
常見問題 3
問:有一次我切換使用Thermalright HR-02 Macho從ATX系統至Micro-ATX系統,發現風扇接觸到第一個記憶體。是否Macho Direct有同樣問題?
答:Macho Direct相比HR-02鰭片向後移動3.3毫米。因此,在Micro-ATX主板散熱器和第一記憶體之間空間緊密的問題已不存在了。
常見問題 4

: 我有發現MachoDirect 散熱器跟HR-02 Macho 比較起來,散熱片是比較接近後系統風扇的。請問還會有足夠的空間在後面加裝第二個風扇嗎?如果可以的話,我該如何購買多一套風扇扣具與橡膠墊呢?

: 雖然 Macho Direct 散熱片是比較接近機殼後側,但還是有足夠的空間允許加裝第二個風扇。Macho Direct 已附帶兩組風扇扣具與橡膠墊。對於偏好雙風扇設置的玩家,我們推薦Thermalright TY-147A 風扇來達到最好的效能。

常見問題 5
問:我曾經使用Thermalright風扇管道在我的Macho Zero散熱器。我可以一樣使用風扇管道在Macho Direct嗎?而沒有TY-140黑色風扇(半被動式散熱)?
答:是的。兩者Thermalright的120mm和140mm風扇管道都可用於Macho Direct半被動式冷卻。實際上,即使沒有風扇管道,當具有良好的空氣流管理,在6700K CPU(91瓦特TDP)可以維持在低於80℃。為主流65瓦特處理器,CPU溫度可以保持在低於70℃。

答:其他HDT制造商使用CNC以便于制造一个非常平坦的基地,同时CPU IHS的表面是不正确的扁平(大部分有点凹的)。因此可以想见之间的接触散热器底座和IHS不理想。Thermalright使HDT的方法是在该区域接触的CPU IHS使每个热管凸(小于0.15毫米)。这样,在该区域因正直接接触热传递率增加。内部测试显示在采用英特尔处理器计算机系统中Macho Direct平均由4°C〜6°C比竞争对手有更好的性能。
常见问题 2
回答:当在模拟试验台读取功率输入测试,Thermalright Macho Direct被证实能够处理热量最多200瓦特,比顶级英特尔处理器2011-3的Ivy Bridge CPU5960X(TDP 140瓦特)要求的多。当2011-3主板进行测试,超频至4 GHz,将温度保持良好中期70℃ 当顶级SKYLAKE微架构处理器6700K测试,超频至4GHz,温度保持在70℃附近。这些测试是利用Thermalright安静的风扇TY-147A,最大噪声21分贝。
常见问题 3
问:有一次我切换使用Thermalright HR-02 Macho从ATX系统至Micro-ATX系统,发现风扇接触到第一个内存。是否Macho Direct有同样问题?
答:Macho Direct相比HR-02鳍片向后移动3.3毫米。因此,在Micro-ATX主板散热器和第一内存之间空间紧密的问题已不存在了。
常见问题 4
问 : 我有发现MachoDirect 散热器跟HR-02 Macho 比较起来,散热片是比较接近后系统风扇的。请问还会有足够的空间在后面加装第二个风扇吗?如果可以的话,我该如何购买多一套风扇扣具与橡胶垫呢?
答 : 虽然 Macho Direct 散热片是比较接近机壳后侧,但还是有足够的空间允许加装第二个风扇。Macho Direct 已附带两组风扇扣具与橡胶垫。对于偏好双风扇设置的玩家,我们推荐Thermalright TY-147A 风扇来达到最好的效能。
常见问题 5
问:我曾经使用Thermalright风扇管道在我的Macho Zero散热器。我可以一样使用风扇管道在Macho Direct吗?而没有TY-140黑色风扇(半被动式散热)?
答:是的。两者Thermalright的120mm和140mm风扇管道都可用于Macho Direct半被动式冷却。实际上,即使没有风扇管道,当具有良好的空气流管理,在6700K CPU(91瓦特TDP)可以维持在低于80℃。为主流65瓦特处理器,CPU温度可以保持在低于70℃。